the Grumpyness


nesting insting..  yang kalo diterjemahin means..keinginan kuat di akhir semester of pregnancy to fix things up..               well, i really gotten into that.. a little bit over malahan..

cuz bayangingin aja, from tidyup all the baby stuff.. cleaning my closet..and that means huge amount of clothes..yang bahkan si Nining aja the mbak..sampe stress beresin.. and then how come i still got the feeling that i wont have enough time till the day… there’s so many things to do..

i got people, well my father in law came to me and said to walk a lot.. well trully, i believe that he should be saying the opposite cuz up until today, well officialy since i started taking my day leave on April 20, I haven’t rest! it’s pretty easy to find me in mall zooming for hours…oh, and, yes, im still driving my lovely mica.. today is probably the first time i really push myself into rest.. that is not such a bad idea cuz i’ve been having what they call as “SWING MOOD”

the truth is im so grumpy today…real grumpy…

honestly what is the relation between you’re going to have a baby and you have to..i repeat HAVE TO attend some  family occasion that will make you travel hours of jams and hours of sitting, not to mention the basa-basi things.. and yes, trully, honestly, this is not the moment for me to take another comment on my “pregnant-look” which has gained 20kgs for the past months.. whatever i matter what make up i wear..mac, bodyshop, pac..or what ever clothes i wear, zara, mark and spencer,chick simple..i still look like a mom with three already..  so i decided to ditch all events in the radius of 3km!  get back to what im trying to say, what is the relation with being selfish cuz not coming to another family event and the fact that you’re going to have a baby…

i just cant believe after those years..yes 7 is still happening..

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